Tuesday, May 4, 2010

un Robo

Our apartment was robbed in April and I almost don’t feel safe anywhere anymore, but am getting over it. I still am constantly concerned about my computer, which was the only one not stolen from the apartment because it was with me, at work. Also, I have been quite the light sleeper at night because I hear everything in the typical Spanish building that my “piso” or apartment is located in. The robbers had to have been watching us and entered through our front door in an hour window when we were not home. They took several valuable things but seemed to have done a quick job. My underwear drawer was gone through and I wasn’t sure about some of my important papers. They left no fingerprints that could be detected by the investigators that came over, but had used Steeve’s socks and even took my favorite eco-tote/shopping bag to put their stolen things in. They did weird things like open a game board that I had sitting on my desk but didn’t take any of my jewelry. I think now the unsettling thing is knowing that I was being monitored for timing and such. Our piso is on the ground floor and people could jump through our windows if they really wanted to and we left them open, so we are closing everything, locking everything securely and being very cautious. The apartment seems a little darker now and I am looking forward more and more to home and what I know to be a little more security. Thankfully the first weekend I would have been home alone a friend came and stayed and then a girlfriend came the next week to visit. I am still getting over it but am relieved I wasn’t there and they haven’t come back. Sadly, I have few pictures to post for these things because now my camera is gone.

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