Sunday, May 2, 2010


5 April 2010
Last night was just lovely and I really enjoyed the hostel. Today I am hoping to get about 22 KM or so. The sun was shining after a cozy breakfast with lovely people. I cried with gratitude this AM on the start and it was just what I needed.
~I am sitting on a lookout point in the Montes de Oca in Burgos. I had a nice chat over a tortilla bocadillo in the last town with a nice Belgian gentleman, Erik, with a contagious laugh. He asked me what I wanted in life to be happy and we both agreed happiness was shared and in giving, him to his three daughters. He reminded me a bit of Dad. I wish my family could be here to experience this. The mountains are snow-capped in the distance and the trees are lining the roadway and blooming in spring. I thought earlier that it would be great to be a hostelera (someone who works at the albergues) and make headbands to give to the pilgrims for a donation. I really appreciated the community in vespers and the singing last night around the dinner table after eating. It was fun and today I am trying to take more time to think and enjoy and reflect about what I might want to do next year. I have internet at home now and so I can really get searching for a job or a masters program and might have more possibility to get my portfolio online. I am excited for the future but also a little bit nervous.
So I have arrived to Áges and will be headed to Burgos tomorrow.

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