I went to Barcelona to apply for my residence card, the process of which I had started in the Basque Country this last spring. I went to one place and was sent to another in a completely different neighborhood from the first and there I was told I would need to make an appointment. The security guard at the front was no gentleman, and It turned out frustrating. Currently, I believe I am waiting for a response from the government delegation regarding where I need to go and where exactly my foreigner number "trámite" lies in the ether. The earliest I could make an appointment was for November 5th and I am hoping it will not be too late, or that I get a response via email before too long and can return somewhere without an appointment. I tried to ask the security guard about whether or not I was in the right place and he just sent me away telling me I needed an appointment and he couldn't help me. I spent some more of the day seeing Barcelona, but with my slowly-healing ankle wasn't much cut out for playing tourist. I purchased an exercise practice notebook for my Catalan class and the funniest bookstore attendant asked me for a face tissue. It didn't appear that he was in special need of any but said he had given his to a co-worker. I left him with my half empty mint-scented package. He was very appreciative.
A picture from Plaça de Catalunya
I spent a lovely day out in the countryside with Ciona and "els nens" or the children. We went looking for mushrooms in the forest. This year is a great mushroom year because it has been so wet. He found lots of mushrooms, but Balbino, the father picked through them and only half of our goods were worthwhile to eat. I ate fabulously while there, homemade wine from their own grapes, their lamb cooked over an open fire of hot coals, ali-oli made from scratch, fresh cow's milk from the neighbors and I came back to Malgrat with a handfull of fresh-picked herbs for cooking and teas. They had a bay-leaf tree and an asundry of other things in their garden, including a fig-tree! Random factoid: corn in Spain is left to dry on the stalks and then picked. Els nens, Cristina and Joan, are really darling and asked me to stay for the whole long weekend. Spain is fabulous regarding vacations and has a long "bridge" weekend. Tuesday is the celebration of a virgin and so Monday for the schools was given off too.